Health & Safety Policy Statement

Parallax Technica Ltd is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees and of
others who may be affected by our activities under The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974., the
Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations, and concomitant protective legislation,
including the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005,
both as an Employer and as a Company. We will take all reasonably practicable steps to achieve this
commitment, to comply with our statutory obligations and to promote a positive health and safety
culture throughout our organisation.

Health and Safety is an integral part of our activities and whilst Ryan Wilkinson takes overall
responsibility, all directors, managers, and employees share the responsibility for implementing this
policy. Parallax Technica Ltd has also appointed a member of staff to be responsible for Health and
Safety maintenance at the company; to keep workplace procedures relating to health and safety under
constant review, Parallax Technica Ltd will provide and maintain a healthy and safe working
environment with the objective of minimising the risk of injury or ill-health. Parallax Technica Ltd will
pay particular attention to:

  • undertaking risk assessments in order to review the health and safety of our activities and
    premises and implementing safe systems of work as a result.
  • maintaining the workplace in a safe condition, including safe access, and providing adequate
    facilities and arrangements for welfare at work.
  • the provision of suitable vehicles and equipment which are properly maintained with suitable
    safety devices installed, where applicable.
  • minimising the use of hazardous and dangerous substances and where their use cannot be
    eliminated, implementing suitable controls.
  • ensuring safety and health in connection with the use, handling, storage, and transport of
  • the provision of such information, instructions, training, and supervision as is necessary to
    ensure the health and safety at work of our employees and other persons.
  • maintaining arrangements for emergency response including fire and medical emergencies
  • investigating all incidences of injury and work-related ill-health.
  • consulting with staff on health and safety matters.
    ensuring that the company has access to health and safety advice

In recognition of its duties under the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences
Regulations, Parallax Technica Ltd has established a system for reporting accidents, disease and
dangerous occurrences to the Health and Safety Executive. Including injury to any trainee, and this is
in addition to its statutory duty to keep an accident book available for inspection by an inspector of
the Health and Safety Executive.

Parallax Technica Ltd recognises its duty to protect the health and safety of all visitors to the Company,
including contractors and temporary workers, as well as any members of the public who might be
affected by the Company’s work operations.

We will take steps to check the competence of any contractor before their services are engaged and
will ensure that all third parties are provided with appropriate information on entering our premises
and in relation to our work activities.

Parallax Technica Ltd regards the extent of its duties as compatible with sections 2 and 5 of the Health
and Safety at Work Act and Occupiers’ Liability acts; In particular, where visitors are under a statutory
duty to wear personal protective clothing, or otherwise to take reasonable precautions for their own
health and safety, failure to do so will be regarded as a breach of Parallax Technica Ltd policy. Entitling
the Company to take such measures as it considers appropriate including asking the visitors to leave
the premises.

This policy will be drawn to the attention of all new employees as part of their induction. It is the duty
of each employee to take reasonable care of their own and other people’s health, safety and welfare,
to familiarise themselves with and implement company procedures and to report any shortcomings in
the arrangements. All employees of Parallax Technica Ltd agree, as a term of their contract of
employment, to comply with their individual duties under section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work
Act. And Regulation 12 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and any other
applicable legislation and generally co-operate with their Employer so as to enable the Employer to
carry out their health and safety duties towards them.

It is the responsibility of Rya Wilkinson to monitor the effective implementation of this policy and
ensure that adequate resources are provided. And the Company regards itself as bound by any acts
and/or omissions of the Director or senior manager, giving rise to liability, provided only that such acts
and/omission arise out of and in the course of Company business. Prosecution of any director or senior
manager shall not prevent a prosecution against the Company.

This Health and Safety Policy Statement and the Organisation and Arrangements documents which
support it, will be reviewed at least annually and more frequently where there have been changes in
the organisation or the activities undertaken.